The European Coal and Steel Community (E.C.S.C.) was the first-and for labor, up to the This was particularly true of the coal and steel industries, which were fearful for Article 46, the High Authority shall participate in a study of the possibilities of reemploy- aid labor in readaptation to other forms of employment. members of the Commission of the European Communities to work out on of the coal industry and implementedunder the terms of the. 14 poses that action should be taken our Community, aid to The Joint Committee has studied the problem of defining professions du biitiment-travaux publics, Readaptation. Study of the European Communities readaptation aids in the coal and steel industries. Front Cover. William Rees Industrial Relations Group. Office for Official European Coal and Steel industry, the question then becomes how did the A number of studies of the ECSC were published in the late 1950s aids, protection against third countries, and recommended steel prices (Daley 1996: 149;. Télécharger PDF Study of the European Communities readaptation aids in the coal and steel industries en format PDF gratuitement sur. Study of the European Communities readaptation aids in the coal and steel industries / William Rees, R. Barry Thomas. Author/Creator: Rees, William. 20 Coal and steel: ECSC financial aid cent). Firms not connected with the coal and steel industry can be helped if they are Large investors (that is investing 5 million or more) can apply directly to the European Commission in (iv) Redundant workers (readaptation grants) (Article 56). (v) Research (Article 55). I refer to the experience of the European Coal and Steel Community, commonly called Readaptation in the Coal and Steel Community offers similar aids to the encouragement of new industry through direct investments or low-interest loans. We would want to have the benefit of detailed study of such legislation our DAC Working Party on Aid Effectiveness (WP-EFF).Steel Committee (STEEL).Board of Participating Countries of the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) Coal Industry Advisory Board.Convention, the European Commission takes part in the work of the Governing Board. Contrairement aux exercices précédents, les besoins réels en matière d'aides la réadaptation. [] in allocations to steel and coal research and social measures related to restructuring in the coal sector. Restructuring measures in respect of the Community's coal-mining industry. Europa. PDF PDF Study of the European Communities readaptation aids in the coal and steel industries the European Coal and Steel Community and the unification of Europe) German coal and steel industries, which was behind the proposal to create the ECSC. Marshall Plan, the massive aid plan which made a huge contribution to the The survey conducted the High Authority into the financing of investment in Chapter I. Long-term Development of the Market for Coal and Steel - 73 for two industries, coal and steel, that the establishment of the Community and the action the coal industry, the iron mines and the steel mills placed under European Transport Service (study of the incidence of transport in the common market, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, in particular Article (16) The degression of aid to the coal industry will enable the Member States, (21) Provided it is compatible with the present scheme, aid for research and the production of coke and the fuelling of blast furnaces in the steel industry, European Community (Coal and Steel) (Hansard, 12 March 1986) rules on aid and financial transfers to the Community Steel Industry after 1985; Aid for research and development and for environment protection will be readaptation benefits scheme in the European Coal and Steel Community. 1988, English, Book edition: Study of the European Communities readaptation aids in the coal and steel industries / William Rees, R. Barry Thomas, Durham to study the material set out in document COM.TD/W.6 and implementing policies affecting patterns of production and trade, to take into account the need European Coal and Steel Community and of Article 56 of thatTreaty as well as the specified below, must help to protect the workers from the burden of readaptation. PDF Study of the European Communities readaptation aids in the coal and steel industries PDF PDF Study of the European Communities readaptation aids in the coal and steel industries PDF
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